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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Enthusiasm, for_children: n, latest_content: 1"
Romancing the Holy Throws open the doors of Christian spirituality and invites all seekers to come in.
The Kabbalah of Envy A masterful interpreter of the Kabbalah explores this negative emotion which can pollute the heart.
A Pilgrim in Aquarius Celebrates the New Age as a community of imagination where everyday spirituality, co-creativity, and world-building go hand in hand.
Jesus Laughed and Other Reflections on Being Human A rousing, creative, and passionate portrait of the man from Nazareth.
God's Trombones Contains homilies on the flood, the crucifixion, and judgement day.
Sacrifice and Delight Helpful and inspiring advice for clergy who must face many occupational hazards.